Tennessee is talking about elder abuse.
Tennessee state law requires reporting of suspected abuse of a vulnerable or elderly adult. Call 1-888-APS-TENN (277-8366) to make an anonymous report, or click here.
In 2021 alone, seniors across Tennessee lost more than $32.5 million to financial scams. To raise awareness about this growing issue, the Shelby County District Attorney’s office teamed up with local organizations to get the word out about the many ways seniors and other vulnerable populations are targeted.
Now, we’ve taken the ScamStop campaign statewide to spread the message about this serious issue. We want to help all Tennessee seniors, vulnerable adults and their families to know and recognize the warning signs and red flags of financial scams. Remember – if they ask for something, they’re up to something


Vulnerable Adult Protective Investigative Teams were established in each of the state’s 31 judicial districts to foster information-sharing among government agencies tasked with protecting the elderly.
In addition, after receiving funding from the Tennessee General Assembly in 2016, the TNDAGC organized a three-day, multi-disciplinary training seminar to educate our team and partners on the complexities of elder abuse. This training was attended by prosecutors, criminal investigators, victim witness coordinators, DHS staff members and other members of Tennessee’s law enforcement community. Printed materials, digital graphics and short videos were created in an effort to take this conversation beyond law enforcement and into our communities. Tennessee Is Talking About Elder Abuse materials featured victim testimonials, warning signs and information on the different forms of neglect.