Annual Conference
Our three-day, statewide Annual Conference is hosted every year to provide the staff with a diverse array of continuing education trainings. We also take this opportunity to recognize the accomplishments and service of several of our outstanding staff members.
October 2023 Honorees
Pat McCutchen Award
Dave S. Clark
District Attorney General, 7th Judicial District
This award is presented each year to the individual who best exemplifies the goals and ideals of the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference and their efforts to improve the quality of justice for all Tennesseans. 7th Judicial District Attorney General Dave S. Clark has embodied these ideals both as a leader and dedicated servant to his community. Gen. Clark currently serves as the Chairman of the Finance & Audit Committee and previously served as the president of the Conference.
President’s Award
Brad Champine
Assistant District Attorney, 26th Judicial District
This award is presented annually to an Assistant District Attorney General, Victim Witness Coordinator or employee of the criminal division who has demonstrated exceptional service to the Criminal Justice System of Tennessee, the TNDAGC, and the citizens we serve. ADA Brad Champine was honored for his work in prosecuting gang-related cases in the 26th Judicial District.
Tony Clark Award
Katherine Sellers
Victim Witness Coordinator, 7th Judicial District
This award was established by the TNDAGC Executive Committee in 2018 in memory of the late District Attorney General Tony Clark. The award is presented annually to a non-prosecutor staff member of the TNDAGC who exhibits the highest character and demonstrates exceptional compassion, care and dedication to victims of crimes. Katherine Sellers was chosen for this award for demonstrating all these qualities and more in her service to the 7th Judicial District.
DUI Prosecutor Decade of Excellence Award
Greg Eshbaugh
Assistant District Attorney, 6th Judicial District
This award is presented to an outstanding DUI prosecutor who has provided over 10 years of extraordinary excellence in the prosecution of DUI cases. ADA Greg Eshbaugh was chosen for his remarkable track record in the prosecution of vehicular homicide cases. He has earned a reputation over the years as the "go-to" authority in his field.
DUI Prosecutor of the Year Award
Ashley Chisum-Hall
Assistant District Attorney, 16th Judicial District