Sue Jones
Statewide Victim Services Coordinator
In 1996 Sue Jones was appointed as Statewide Victim Witness Coordinator for the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference. Prior to this position, she served as Victim Witness Coordinator for seven years and then became Criminal Investigator for the 18th Judicial District in Sumner Co. Tennessee. As Victim Witness Coordinator, she worked with all victims of homicide, domestic and sexual assault victims. She was the first in Sumner Co. to start support groups for domestic violence, surviving families of homicide and violent crime victims. Sue served on the Child Protective Review Team and the Foster Care Review Board while at the District Attorney’s Office.
She has been with the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference for 26 years. As Statewide Coordinator she oversees the Victim Witness Program across the state and assist with training for the coordinators and assistants, also acts as liaison with other Tennessee agencies such as Department of Correction, Board of Parole and the State Attorney General's Office providing support for crime victims and educating the public on the victim witness program.
Sue sits as a member of the Tennessee Domestic Violence State Coordinating Council, TN Board of Parole Committee for Tennessee Season to Remember, Tennessee Voices for Victims Statewide Advisory Council, also sits as a member of the TNDAGC Victim Services Committee.